sleuth [slooth]
1.a detective.
2.a bloodhound.
–verb (used with object), verb (used without object) track or trail, as a detective.
I always did like Nancy Drew books as a kid and I continue to like mystery stories as an adult. My love of reading has been a part of me for as long as I can remember but I didn't get it from my dad! In fact, I don't ever recall him spending time reading, he was always too busy working.
However, since he retired (which is really a misnomer because he still works harder than most men half his age), he has developed a love for a specific type of book. He devours detective stories that revolve around Indian Reservations. He has become a collector of whole series' of work. He had every book written by Tony Hillerman and Margaret Coel and had read them several times. One day, when dad and I were shopping at his favorite secondhand bookstore, the owner, knowing dad's taste turned us onto a new series of that genre by Aimee and David Thurlow.
Since that day, one of my great pleasures in life has been playing "Nancy Drew" and keeping my dad stocked with books from new authors. Thankfully the internet has made the search easier and ordering a breeze.
Keep it under your hat, but last night I found a new bookstore, Better World Books, where I purchased 8 books for my dad's Christmas present for around $26 with no shipping fee. Five of the books are a new series by an author he has read before and three are from a totally new author. The other cool thing about this purchase is that this bookstore helps fund global literacy and is involved in environmental causes, two of my passions.
It has been fun getting to play detective and search out books for my dad. I can't wait to see his face on Christmas morning!
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