
Monday, February 21, 2011

Are We There Yet?

fib /fɪb/ –noun 1.a small or trivial lie; minor falsehood.

Most of us know what the word fib means; we may have even been a party to one. But today, I have learned that inanimate objects can also perpetrate a fib.
Our day began with a different type of f.i.b., the flight information board at Wichita's Mid-Continent Airport and it has been telling us fibs all day! The first thing it told us, although disappointing, was not a fib. Our flight on United Airlines had been cancelled due to weather in Chicago. We were slightly confused by this, due to the fact that American Airlines took off for Chicago three minutes prior to the time our flight was supposed to depart.

So here we sit in the Wichita airport, Jodi, Amy and myself. We are headed to Chicago for a training on the Common Core Standards and had arrived in plenty of time for our 10:30 a.m. flight, only to find it cancelled. Thus began the wait for a 6:00 p.m. flight and prayers that it would be on time. We were prepared to camp for the day and work on the free internet at the airport, but low and behold, it wasn’t working. Next, Amy, who has a cold, started coughing so she went to get a drink and no one was available to wait on her…it was going from bad to worse.

Things started looking up when it dawned on us that Ron, a colleague who lives in Wichita, might be able to bring us some lunch, which would be less expensive and tastier than airport food. Ron was kind enough to come and take us out to eat since we hadn’t gone through security. We decided to try Bella Luna because of the fabulous hummus…..and as luck would have it, they had just sold the last of it before we arrived!

As the waitress began taking our order, Amy had another coughing jag, and the waitress literally jumped away from her as though she might have the plague. Ron and Jodi had decided to share an entrée and a salad but at the last second, Jodi changed the type of salad and the waitress forgot to write it down, no doubt due to the fact she was still worrying about Amy's germs. You guessed it, when the food came, Jodi got the wrong salad and had to wait on the mistake to be corrected.

Now it is 4:00 p.m, we are back from our shopping and lunch excursion and we are each trying to get some work done while we continue to wait on the flight. Luckily, the internet is working and we made it through security without the incredibly long lines that people experienced this morning. We found a wall with plug-ins and we each inserted earbuds to drown out the shoot 'em up, kill 'em dead movie that is on the t.v. in the lounge. I am kickin' back to the Eagles and am hopeful that all the troubles of this trip are behind us. Only time will tell....and I'll keep you posted.

Postscript: Nope....the flight is now delayed until 7:34 p.m. Random numbers, never a good sign!

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